Assignment 6: Light Control
A6 - Cast Shadow
1. Picture accurately has cast shadow, and uses the shadows as leading lines in photo.
2. Page blowing up is slightly distracting. Should wait for wind to stop blowing to take picture.
3. Bible is cut off. Should adjust angle to get whole Bible in frame and fill the frame entirely with the scene.
4. Foreground is slightly blurred. Should use a wider aperature to get more of the whole picture in focus.
5. Creates a scene and tells a story with the objects in picture.
A6 - No Shadow
1. Picture shows a portrait with no shadows on face. 
2. Placement of cracks in wall create tangents. Should position model away from the intersection of cracks.
3. Face appears a little flat. Should take picture from 3/4ths angle to allow for more depth in the picture.
4. Gap in rocks next to model's shoulder is distracting and drawing the eye with the big patch of black. Should reposition to not have that distracting element.
5. Fills frame with model and is placed in rule of thirds with some leading space.
A6 - Strong Shadow
1. Shows a strong shadow on model's face, and shows high contrast in photo.
2. There is a tangent above model's head. Should change camera angle or location if could not get out of picture.
3. Background is distracting. Should have used a narrower focal length to blur background more and place more emphasis on the model.
4. Model is in center of picture. Should have placed more on rule of thirds which would have also created more of a leading space.
5. Model is in sharp focus with a nice facial expression.
A6 - Soft Shadow
1. Model is in a soft shadow scenario with a simple background.
2. Picture is a little grainy and has low quality. Should reduce ISO to allow for a better quality picture.
3. A lot of extra space around model. Should walk in closer or zoom in to get rid of the extra space.
4. Face is a little flat. Should take from a 3/4ths perspective to allow for more depth.
5. Picture is good classic portrait and model has good facial expression.
A6 - Background Light
1. Good amount of rim lighting around model to distinguish model from the background.
2. Sky is overexposed. Should try to adjust aperature or shutter speed.
3. Background is distracting should use a narrower aperature to blur the background more and make less distracting.
4. Model is in the center of composition. Should retake and adjust so that model is in the rule of thirds.
5. Picture shows model with a happy expression.
A6 - Light Control

A6 - Light Control


Creative Fields